Remote Workers Can be Big Cyber Risk for Small Business

Many small businesses are allowing some of their employees to work remotely or from home. There are many Pros and Cons to this practice. Some Pros include increased opportunity for employers to attract talent and reduced work-related expenses for employees. Some Cons are the suspicion of lack of productivity and risk of distraction. A new Con to remote workers is that they present an increased risk of cyber attacks to the company.
Remote workers may not only be at home, but also in public access points like coffee shops or airports. When they log into the wifi at these locations they may not realize they are on public platforms where their computer can be accessed by anyone in the room.
While allowing some employees to work remotely can have benefits to the company as a whole, the fact remains that most small business owners have not implemented the necessary “remote work policies” or training processes to protect their companies. The Small Business Administration has gathered a list of best practices for remote work.
Consider adopting policies like using strong passwords that are changed on a regular basis. Another critical practice is to make backup copies of important company data and information. This backup should live offline and offsite. Implementing this practice can protect the company from a ransomware attack. And consistently educate your staff on cyberthreats and security. Make sure they know they are accountable for keeping their computers and data safe no matter where they are. Working remotely does not have to put a company at risk if you take the necessary measures to mitigate a cyber risk.