The Hidden Impact of a Loss

Insuring a church is more than covering the building and its contents inside. It’s important to consider a variety of situations and possibilities to ensure you have the coverage needed in the event of a loss.
When thinking insurance for churches most of us think Property. Property includes not only the building but the items within the building, as well as iconography or the iconostas. According to industry data, there are more than 1,800 fires every year in religious properties. While property claims such as a fire can have a devastating impact on the property of the church, consider some of the other areas that may be impacted as well.
What would happen if you couldn’t gain access to your sanctuary for a period of time? Are you covered for the use of another space? What about loss in revenue from donations? We have seen crippling fire losses to churches which resulted in, not only the need to rebuild and replace the structure, but also the need to find a temporary home to hold services which can impact attendance, donations, and ultimately impact revenue and stewardship.
Consider the impact a loss may have on cancelled income-generating activities or community outreach programs, as well. When a major loss occurs, it can create a ripple effect throughout the organization and parish.
While we pray you never need to use it, it is important to consider the domino effect a loss can have and ensure you are properly protected.