Cyber Risks for Remote Workers

With COVID-19 came a myriad of changes, both professionally and personally. Time will tell what the “new normal” will look like, but the ability to work remotely has never been more pronounced. With remote working comes challenges to businesses, specifically Cyber Threats. The reality is at-home networks do not have the security protections in place that a business typically does.
Here are a few things you and your staff can do to protect your remote workers:
1. Have a remote worker policy in force
2. Only connect to the internet through secure networks
3. Only click on links, open attachments and download software from trusted sources
4. Use strong passwords
5. Ensure your network, software and applications are up-to-date
6. Don’t respond to requests for information from unknown sources
7. Use multi-factor authentication in lieu of passwords
8. Make sure your IT department, whether in-house or outsourced, is aware of the new remote layout, so they can be prepared for additional phone calls.
The bad actors are delighted to have more daily online activity. Don’t be the individual or organization to let them in on the party.